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Real estate agents get financial lifeline as Upfront and Liquid partner 

The new commission integration addresses market changes and improves cash flow for agents and brokerages.

Upfront Loft47
January 22, 2025
2 mins

Upfront, a financial platform designed for brokers and their agents, and Loft47, a provider of back-office broker accounting technology, today announced a new partnership: Upfront will now offer Liquid by Loft47, a product that aims to provide real estate agents with greater financial flexibility and funding options.

With declining transaction volumes impacting agent income and brokerage revenue, the partnership offers a timely solution to agent liquidity needs. Upfront's innovative commission advance platform, known for its low fees, transparent terms and unique "Pipeline Protection" (safeguarding advances if deals fall through), will be integrated directly into Liquid's back-office system.

This integration allows brokerages to give their agents immediate access to earned commissions upon going to contract, improving cash flow and agent retention. Brokerages can choose to fund advances themselves or leverage Upfront's capital, providing unparalleled flexibility.

"This partnership maximizes value for brokers and agents by directly impacting key metrics like recruitment, retention, and revenue," said Pierre Calzadilla, co-founder of Upfront. "Agents benefit from a seamless experience and favorable terms, and brokers see a positive impact on their bottom line."

"Together, we're unlocking significant opportunities for brokerages to bolster financial stability and support their agents," said Sasha Hryciuk, CEO of Loft47. "Combining Liquid's commission advance technology with Upfront's financial expertise creates a powerful, integrated solution for the entire real estate industry."

This new integration is now available to real estate professionals across the U.S. and will soon be launched across Canada. US-based Loft47 clients can now offer Upfront to provide working capital for their agents. Loft47 clients generated $31 billion in sales volume and earned over $830M in commissions over the last 12 months, operating across 36 U.S. states and 8 Canadian provinces.

About Upfront

Upfront is a financial platform empowering agents and brokers with faster access to commissions, innovative tools, and brokerage-level solutions that drive growth and boost agent satisfaction. Our mission is to transform how real estate professionals manage their finances and achieve their goals, allowing them to focus on what matters most: serving clients and building thriving businesses.

About Liquid by Loft47

Liquid is designed and built by Loft47, a leading back-office accounting solution serving brokerages across the U.S. and Canada. From commission management to full-spectrum reporting, Loft47 delivers critical insights and process automation that optimize brokerage efficiency.

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